Levi Love
Levi Love is a boy that let the beat of Chicago and Detroit House take him around the world. He mentions Theo Parrish amongst his distinguished mentors. It is often uncomfortable when people are put in a position whereby they have to state 'categorically' what their favourite track is - for Levi Love, his answer always comes at you with a speed of lightning: 'IZ and DIZ - MOUTH' (PePe Bradock Remix for Friends). He often follows his answer with what he learnt from Chris Feinmn: "Without a sprout it is my favourite track of all time".
His parents made him spend a considerable amount of time (8 years) with South Africa's equivalents of Tories, worshipers of a hierarchical world and persona non-gratas in Medical School. His Soul was saved by non other than Capelton AKA King Shango with an album called More Fire. This was in 1999. Levi Love was in his 3rd year at a Medical School in Pretoria, South Africa.
In England, Levi Love was adopted by Chris Feinmann and was educated to the hilt. Most countries in Europe have now heard Levi Love drop some serious sets in his time. This year in particular: Madrid, Copenhagen, Alicante, Johannesburg, Durban, Capetown, Pretoria and Polokwane. In a nutshell, Levi Love is currently living his dream, demonstrating that it is only in belief and passion where any self respecting human being will find true emancipation.